Our customers,

our pride

Since the company was founded, we have always placed our customers at the heart of all our projects.

We can't talk about them without sharing a bit of our story. At the beginning, Cyril, General Manager of Novéo, had only the outline of a great project, born from a living room table. Indeed, he had no office, no employees, no warehouse, but a strong motivation and an unparalleled desire that eventually bore fruit.

His idea? To become the expert supplier of small equipment for fast food restaurants in France and abroad.

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Our first clients

It all started with Memphis Coffee, with its 50s look, which decided to trust us in 2013.

A few weeks later, Quick joined in with its legendary Giant.

Then, it was Burger King's turn to incorporate our utensils into their kitchens to prepare their signature "Whopper."

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Even more partners!

Since then, our list of partners has continued to grow, notably in 2016 with KFC which joined alongside Domino's Pizza and Lagardère. Today, many trust us every day, and they make us proud ! We are more than delighted to continue this adventure with them and hope to contribute to the development and performance of even more businesses in the hotel and catery industry in the years to come.

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